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Literary Terms Essay Example

Literary Terms Essay Example Literary Terms Essay Literary Terms Essay University of Phoenix Material Define each of the 11 terms listed below. These definitions must be in your own words; if you use any outside sources, it must be paraphrased, not quoted, and all such sources must be cited using APA citation practices. Additionally, each definition must also identify and explain an example of the term found in one or more of the reading assignments for Week One. LITERARY TERMS AND CONCEPTS TO DEFINE – Week One Allusion- An allusion is a reference contained by literal work. Example: â€Å"Or make the dust buzz with light spray† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Connotation:† He so immediately took me into the circle of his affection, that I glowed with the warmth of it† From† The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57:†Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248-249) Figurative language- A type of language that is express as a metaphor. Example: â€Å"They seem to become native of that element the black sleek heads of seals bouncing like half submerged balls† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248: â€Å"The work of the world is common as mud. † From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248: â€Å"I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart, who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience, who strain in the mud and he muck to move things forward, who do what has to be done, again and again† From To Be of Use by Marge Piercy (pp. 248:† I’ll get out the boneshaker and we can drive around together and find Lutkins† From The Hack Driver by Sinclair Lewis (pp. 57: â€Å"Or stand all night watering roses† From Old Florist by Theodore Roethke (p. 242) Personification- A figure of speech where an object is given human characteristics. Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? 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Get custom paper sample written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order now Literary terms Essay For example, we refer to foot soldiers for Infantry and field hands for manual laborers who work in agriculture. Syntax- the ordering of words Into patterns or sentences. If a writer shifts words from the usual word order, you know oh are dealing with an older style of writing or an author who wants to shift emphasis onto a particular word. Alliteration repetition of consonants, especially at the beginnings of words sonnet lyric stanza of fourteen lines with an elaborate rhyme scheme written in iambic pentameter stanza a division in the formal pattern of a poem narrative ?tells a story speaker?who is the Voice of the poem? Choice distinctive feature of a written work displayed by the narrator/speaker, assessed in terms of tone, style, or personality, and how the speaker addresses the deader mood the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage, often suggested through descriptive details tone the writers attitude toward his/her audience and subject blabs an incli nation or preference that Interferes with impartial Judgment audience body of listeners/spectators/readers! Repose Intended goal or desired result Literary terms for 10th grade By Judiciary allusion reference to a person, place, or event that is well known antithesis repetition of an idea by stating its negative or opposite connotation?the range of rather associations that a word or phrase suggests in addition to its straightforward dictionary meaning (the denotation of a word) ellipsis omission of part of a passage or parallel construction (sometimes indicated by: imagery descriptive of the 5 senses) metaphor an implied comparison, stating that one object is nonhuman indirect characterization an author tells what the character looks like, does, and says, as well as how other characters react to him or her. It is up to the reader to draw conclusions. Direct characterization the author directly states a harassers traits and attributes figurative language language used to he lp the for the whole. For example, we refer to foot soldiers for infantry and field hands for manual laborers who work in agriculture. Syntax- the ordering of words into emphasis onto a particular word. Alliteration repetition of consonants, especially at the beginnings of words sonnet lyric stanza of fourteen lines with an elaborate audience and subject bias an inclination or preference that interferes with purpose intended goal or desired result